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7 Tips for Knee Pain Relief

Knee pain can be caused by a variety of problems, including painful joints and muscles from a long day at work or a strenuous workout. The following are ten popular knee pain treatments that can help anyone suffering from sore knees understand what to do about knee pain.

1: Over-the-counter Pain Medications

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) are pain relievers and inflammation reducers that can be purchased over-the-counter or by prescription. Knee inflammation can be caused by joint disorders or overuse conditions such as a runner's knee.

Inflammation is the body's response to an injury or strain. It may produce pain, heat, swelling, and redness. NSAIDs can help ease these symptoms.

Acetaminophen, while not classified as an anti-inflammatory drug, can help ease symptoms of knee pain when used in conjunction with other treatments.

2: Knee Injections to Help With Knee Pain

Knee injections are a combination of corticosteroid drugs and numbing chemicals administered into the knee joint by a needle. These knee pain remedies are safe and effective for both the runner's knee and arthritis.

The steroids reduce inflammation and pain, while the numbing drugs block pain impulses in the nerves. The effects typically last approximately a month, while some can last up to three months. Insurance normally covers injections, but they must be administered by a doctor.

Repeated knee injections can cause negative effects. They can damage cartilage and weaken tendons, muscles, and ligaments.

3: Essential Oils

Essential oils are aromatic liquids derived from plants that can help alleviate pain. According to studies, massaging ginger oil on the knee can reduce pain and stiffness and enhance everyday functioning for up to four weeks longer than massage alone.

Another study found that massaging the knee with lavender oil helped alleviate discomfort from osteoarthritis. Lavender can also reduce stress and induce relaxation, which can aid with pain. This is one method for treating knee pain using natural products.

To avoid skin sensitivity, always apply essential oils with a rich carrier oil, such as almond or grapeseed oil.

4: Therapy Exercises for Knee Pain

Therapy that combines stretching and strengthening exercises can help reduce discomfort while also preventing injuries and knee problems.

Strong hamstrings, quads, hips, and glutes are essential for healthy knee function. When these muscles are weak, they exert stress on the knees, causing pain. A physical therapist can help you analyze knee pain and create a therapy plan that addresses any concerns.

At-home exercises might be beneficial. Some of the finest home exercises for knee pain are modest strengthening and stretching exercises such as squats and hamstring stretches. Before you begin stretching or strength training, warm up by going for a brisk stroll.

5: Exercise

Exercising with a hurting knee may seem contradictory, yet it is extremely beneficial for healing. Exercise improves blood flow and strengthens the muscles. Not moving can lead to joint stiffness and worsening discomfort.

Starting with knee rehabilitation and gradually progressing to low-impact activity is an excellent plan. Low-impact exercises include the following:

  • Swimming

  • Yoga

  • Walking

  • Tai chi

  • Cycling


To prevent knee pain through low-impact exercise, it's important to warm up and cool down with stretches before and after workouts.

6: Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment that involves inserting tiny, sterilized needles into the kneecap. These tiny needles cause micro-injuries, causing the body to release natural pain-relieving endorphins and anti-inflammatory chemicals into the area. This treatment may also enhance fluid and oxygen circulation to damaged tissue, which can alleviate discomfort and aid in recuperation.

This procedure, administered by a professional physical therapist or acupuncturist, is safe and effective. Acupuncture may be especially useful if other therapies have failed.

7: RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

The RICE method is a crucial aspect of managing inflammation and discomfort, particularly when dealing with acute symptoms like a runner's knee. The acronym RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Rest your knee. Place as little weight as possible on it. Do not stand for long periods or do strenuous workouts.

Ice the knees to reduce swelling and irritation. Wrap an ice pack or frozen bag of peas in a cloth and place it on the knee for 20 minutes at a time.

Compression can reduce discomfort. Wear a soft brace or bandage around the knee to help support the muscles.

Elevation helps reduce swelling and improve circulation. This also lets the knee rest and recuperate. 

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Friday, 22 March 2024