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What are the most effective treatments for sciatic back pain?

The treatment of sciatica may involve both non-surgical and surgical methods. Usually, non-surgical approaches are tried first. Surgery for sciatica may be recommended when you feel more pain.


There's lower back pain and sciatica, which are separate categories because their symptoms often radiate to the buttocks and one of your legs. When you have sciatica, even simple actions like taking a shower can become an exercise in excruciating pain. Back pain treatments make finding relief your top mission.


1. Anti-inflammatory medications


The first thing you can do to relieve sciatica is to take anti-inflammatory medications. These medications are available over the counter and can provide temporary relief while moving around throughout the day.


2. Ice and heat therapy


When sciatica pain first occurs, apply ice to your lower back for about 20 minutes, three times a day, to relieve any inflammation. Once the pain is bearable, you can begin heat therapy by placing a hot pack on the area for 20 minutes, which helps relieve muscle tension.



3. Prescription medications


If over-the-counter medications, ice, and heat packs are not relieving your sciatica pain, we urge you to come to us so we can find a better pain relief medication. Stronger prescription medications can also help you regain a pain-free range of motion.


4. Stretching and Physical Therapy


One of the best ways to treat sciatica pain and prevent sciatica in the future is through physical therapy and stretching. With physical therapy, we can target and strengthen the surrounding muscles in your back to reduce pressure on your sciatic nerve pain treatment.


Stretching exercises can also be very beneficial during sciatica. Sciatica occurs when your sciatic nerve becomes pinched or compressed, so anything you can do to reduce pressure is good.


To get started, here are some stretches that can help with sciatica pain:


?     Reclining Pigeon Pose


Lie on your back and place your feet close to your hips so your knees are bent. Start by crossing your left thigh over your right ankle. Now, clasp your hands behind your left thigh and gently pull it towards you. Hold. Repeat on the other side.


?     Sitting Pigeon Pose


Sit on the floor, your legs extended in front of you. Bend your right leg and place your right ankle over your left knee. Now lean forward and feel the stretch in your lower back. Repeat visa-versa.



?     Place Knee on Opposite Shoulder


Lie on the floor with your legs extended and your feet pointing upwards. Bend one leg and pull it across your body towards the opposite shoulder, holding it. Repeat visa-versa.


5. Nerve Blocks and Epidural Injections


If your sciatica still presents problems after trying conservative treatments, we may turn to nerve blocks and epidural injections. These injections contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic components and are extremely effective in relieving stubborn sciatic back pain treatment.


This treatment is not for everyone who needs medical care for sciatica. If your symptoms are serious or last for over a month, make an appointment with your healthcare professional.


To learn more about your treatment options for sciatica, contact back pain specialists New Jersey so that you can get relief as quickly as possible.

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Monday, 15 July 2024