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Over the years, the publishing industry has changed fairly radically from technological advancements like cloud computing and digital readers. Still, some old methods persist to this day, one of the major ones being offshore outsourcing.

In the past, offshoring was a great way for publishers to save money through sending their work overseas. However, with improvements like cloud editing already dramatically helping the industry, is there still a place for outsourcing today?

What is Offshoring?

Back in the day before the internet took over, print was king, with publishers being the deciding factor on content and distribution all over the world. Nowadays, with the rise of digital readers and self-publication, the industry needed a change.

Offshore outsourcing has been around a bit before this radical disruption to publishers but is now more useful than ever for large and small companies alike. Through sending much of the pre-publication process—think tasks like editing—to third-party companies like Katalyst-Nova Techset, publishers can save significant amounts of money in the long term.

Additionally, not just anyone will be looking at your transcripts and documents. You will have a huge pool of global talent that are well experienced in editing at your disposal. Considering how difficult it is to find this kind of talent onshore, especially at an affordable price, offshoring is naturally a great option.

Is it Still Relevant?

Whenever it comes to offshoring your business’s work, it is important to remember that they are your partner, not just another employee. The best third-party organizations ideally would function in a way that requires the least oversight on the publisher’s part, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects.

So, is it still worth it in this day and age? Surprisingly yes! As of 2021, 80% of academic publications were expecting to expand their offshore strategy in the ensuing months.

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Compared to other industries, the majority of academic publishers have never really sought to be the pinnacle of technological advancement. Outside of improvements to the quality and efficiency of printing, as well as the jump to digital readers, the industry has not had as much benefit from enhancements like automation.

However, with recent leaps in cloud computing, it is easier than ever for people to access information from anywhere on the globe, proving beneficial to all industries, publishing included. Like most businesses today, publishers handle the lion’s share of vital IT infrastructure through the cloud, but there are numerous untapped ways that academic publishers can reap the benefits of cloud technology.

It’s Quicker and Cheaper

One of the best advantages of cloud computing is the money any business can save from leaving expensive physical server farms behind. Thousands of dollars in upkeep and maintenance saved each year is wildly helpful, especially for smaller publishers, but even bigger companies likely would not mind saving that extra money.

Additionally, the ability to have every important article and book in easy to access PDF form by your entire organization can make the time it takes your journal to hit the market all the quicker. While it has always been imperative to take advantage of what currently is in the mind of the public, cloud technology allows publishers to beat any competitors, as well as better keep tabs on what is relevant.

Real-Time Editing

One of the biggest things that held back the editing process was the hassle it was for multiple editors to markup ever-changing document versions. Communication on what had already been changed or who was editing what sections often led to a significantly drawn out correction process.

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The massive disruptions caused by the pandemic have been historic for the unprecedented effects it has had on supply chains worldwide. Much like society has adapted with facemasks and social distancing, a “new normal” has also emerged in logistics networks, transforming with the many curveballs COVID-19 threw at it. Like most radical changes, the term may sound scary, but this redefined supply chain model represents a far more flexible—and hopefully better—future for the industry.

What Exactly IS the “New Normal?”

Dealing with high intensity and demanding situations on a frequent basis is pretty normal for anyone who works in a supply chain. However, it shows how damaging the pandemic was when even seasoned leaders in the industry were left scrambling to get their operations back on track as soon as possible.

Both old and new methods were needed to inject life back into production lines and are what largely make up this “new normal” for supply chains. While they may not all stick past the aftermath of the pandemic, here are a few ways leaders have managed to keep afloat over the last two years:

Outsourcing and Dual Sourcing

Outsourcing has certainly existed in the supply chain world well before the pandemic, but with the unpredictable nature of the world as of late, many companies are reconsidering their stances. With so much on their plate, it is often easier for smaller companies to outsource aspects of their supply chains—often referred to as Supply Chains as a Service—as a way to leave some of their workloads to industry professionals.

Dual sourcing has also proved to be a genius move to counter future uncertainties. Many companies have stuck with one single supplier for materials and components, which meant that many supply chains stopped dead in the water when disruptions hit in 2020. Establishing backup plans through having multiple suppliers can ensure that a single link cannot break your production chain.


One of the biggest hits businesses took from the pandemic was the sudden lack of employees working in person. With lockdowns and later social distancing introduced to help curb COVID-19, many production lines that required human interaction were left clueless at what to do.

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Nowadays, our economy is driven by impulse thanks to the growth of digital commerce. Online shopping has given people a need to have products as soon as possible with just a click, and that mentality has even made its way into the world of manufacturing.

Taking advantage of this “buy now” mentality, the traditional method of manufacturing has revolved around producing large quantities of items and then aggressively marketing them to the public. However, as shown by the race to produce disposable masks during the pandemic, these methods are proving to not be as reliable as they should be, and often leave you with warehouses full of products no one wants.

A new approach is needed in the industry, and Katalyst Technologies has stepped up to the table with its custom manufacturing services. Offering a different, adaptive method to production, we offer the help your company needs to overcome your manufacturing problems at any stage to move your vision forward.

What Makes Custom Manufacturing Different?

Unlike traditional manufacturing, custom manufacturing—also known as on-demand manufacturing—involves companies producing products in smaller batches as required.

At first glance, this might not seem like the most profitable method of production, but combined with small lead times and quick fabrication, each product made has a guaranteed buyer. This means you can largely avoid any chance of waste, saving you money and space in your warehouse.

This is largely due in part to the advancements made in digital production technology and AI, allowing systems to send designs to 3D printers as soon as the orders come in, completely cutting out time spent on preparation like with traditional manufacturing.

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Conversational Chatbots The Future of eCommerce is

While the concept of AI becoming integrated into our daily lives might sound like it is from a far-off future, the reality is that E-commerce has already been at this point. Being one of the first industries to adopt AI, digital commerce stores all over have been reaping the benefits of chatbots for years, and you have likely interacted with at least one if you have shopped online recently.

If you run an eCommerce business, chances are that you have set up a chatbot system or are at least aware of their importance, especially with the rise of “conversational” commerce and omnichannel selling.

If you are unfamiliar with chatbots, no need to fear! This post will give you an overview of what a chatbot is, why it is necessary, and the benefits it can provide your business.

What Exactly is a Chatbot?

In simple terms, imagine a chatbot as a more rudimentary form of artificial intelligence. Chatbots can carry out automated conversations with customers from your website or social media page.

While similar to AI in terms of versatility, chatbots are primarily designed to mirror a physical employee in a brick-and-mortar store, provide customer support, offer personalized recommendations, and complete the purchase process.

Why Would I Need One?

Chatbots have proven themselves to be anything but a momentary fad, with research proving that many customers are willing to interact with bots.

For starters, messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, where many bots reside, have skyrocketed in popularity as of late, with over 1.5 billion active users on each platform in 2021.

This influx of people here is not just a boon for the owners of the app, as around 71% of users are willing to interact with chatbots through messaging services to receive help, with to purchasing items through them.

The numbers do not lie, and because of this, many businesses have already taken the plunge on this technology. According to Oracle, around 80% of eCommerce businesses already use chatbots or at least are in the process of integrating them into their store. Because of that, many customers have grown to expect immediate and practical assistance from chatbots, so meeting the standards other businesses have set up is essential if you wish to stay competitive in the online landscape.

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No I in Team The Importance of Supply Chain Collab

Over the years, supply chain logistics have become incredibly complex, and while this means they are far more useful, it could just as easily lead to many disruptions possibly emerging in your line. With the potential for issues growing, it is absolutely vital to have clear communication within your supply chain.

Logistics has always required teamwork, and even if your chain runs relatively smooth at the moment, that does not mean that your business cannot improve how you relay information internally or to third parties. A lack of collaboration is often the real reason supply chains often break as badly as they do, so ensuring that information can be shared to the right people at the right time through systems and workflows can be the make-or-break your business needs to stay on its feet.

Why Is Collaboration Important?

You might initially think that the concept of keeping the various sections of your supply chain is a no-brainer, but the pandemic showed most companies that they have more than a few things to learn. In a 2021 survey from the American Productivity and Quality Center, 40% noted that one of the major obstacles for greater supply chain improvements is a lack of support within internal and external partners.

Supply chain collaboration is all about coordinating with internal departments, as well as external partners, to ensure an optimized flow of data is being relayed to each sector, guaranteeing demand is kept and deliveries go out in time. Especially in today’s climate, where businesses are expected to respond to the everchanging market with agility, it is a necessity to outsource aspects of your supply chain, and the better the relationship, the easier it is to improve your output.

According to the publication Supply Chain Digest, there are three general levels of collaboration in supply chains:

Transaction Integration
The most basic level, where you primarily share transactional data—think orders, invoices, and payments—through the internet to your departments and partners. It is about as bare bones as you can get, providing exactly what your collaborators need and little else.

Supply Chain Management Information Sharing
A good step above the first level, here you give your partners more information—think availability, inventory, and production forecasts—that will allow them to make better decisions to assist both your and their operations. While falling a bit short of the best possible collaboration, this level is still ideal, helping everyone run their particular stages of the supply chain process with little to no issue.

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Improve Your Resilience With Digital Supply Chain

With the last few years offering disruptions aplenty, it may be the time for your business to start rethinking its supply chain. Whether it be outsourcing it to the cloud or further digitizing it, methods like digital supply chain twins and supply chains as-a-service can alleviate much of the pain of running a business in the 2020’s.

Supply Chains as a Service

While this may sound unnecessary, it is important to consider the current state of supply chain management. Even if you remove the immense disruptions occurring today, it is wildly expensive to keep a supply chain up to date with the best technology provided by the push to Industry 4.0. All around the world, only large companies have the money and manpower to run such an operation, being wildly impractical for a small to midsized business.

So with the constant disruptions in materials and shipping, why not consider outsourcing some, if not all, of your supply chain as well?

With “as-a-service” subscription models booming when it comes to the software and cloud platforms, it is only natural that other industries would attempt to join the fray. Treated as an easy way to outsource your more time-consuming and troublesome tasks at your business, these subscription models can be lifesaving for smaller businesses, and the same applies to a supply chain as a service (SCaaS) setup.

Like other cloud services, SCaaS consists of a third-party team of supply chain experts that will support many aspects of a business’s supply chain operations through the cloud. Complementing your preexisting team, this group will help your business manage daily operations like production control, manufacturing, or logistics.

Even if your supply chain is in fairly good shape, diving into the SCaaS model can have you reap many benefits. These third-parties will give you access to senior level employees, all at a low or variable cost, saving the amount you spend on staffing and consulting by up to 50% according to SAE. With these outsourced employees, you can avoid turnover and improve the overall workload and satisfaction of your existing staff. The immense experience these employees have regarding supply chains can help you optimize your operations too, reducing the launch timelines in the automotive industry within the automotive industry by 33%.

Digital Supply Chain Twins

On the flip side, if you are in possession of a working supply chain, a SCaaS—while still able to improve some aspects of your operations—probably will not be of as much use to you. However, with all the moving parts within your production line, it can be a pain to even know where to start when it comes to optimizing your line.

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The Advantages of Digital Twins in Manufacturing.j

With technology rapidly advancing thanks to the push towards Industry 4.0, your business can make more products, as well as increase their complexity. The one downside? There is so much more that you need to keep an eye on in your workplace to ensure your supply chain and logistics run smoothly. But what if there was a way you could keep track of your assets without constantly performing in-person inspections?

Through the implementation of digital twin technology, you can represent products virtually so you can optimize your productions with minimal risk. Once integrated, you will have a far greater insight into your manufacturing process than ever before, as well as what may be to come, cementing them as one of the most important engineering solutions you can invest in.

How do digital twins work?

Much like the other Industry 4.0 technologies we’ve touched on, digital twin technology can be a little hard to comprehend initially. Gaining popularity in the 2010’s, it is easiest to imagine digital twins as the link between your warehouse’s physical and digital worlds.

Through the collection of data throughout your workplace from smart sensors throughout your production line, a digital twin processes this information and applies it to a virtual model. Being an exact version of a process, system, or product of your choosing, this digital setup can replicate your physical one flawlessly, so you can see how it runs in real-time from wherever you may be, differentiating it from a simulation.

In short, think of it as having the best team of technicians, monitors, and engineers at your disposal, checking out all aspects of your operations anytime you need it allowing you to push greater innovation within your business.

Product twin
A Product twin functions as a virtual prototype to foresee its performance, and any issues arising in the production process.

Process twin
These virtual simulations show the manufacturing process, allowing you to test various scenarios to see how well your production line can handle any disruptions.

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Three Tips to Make Your E-Commerce Business Sustai

E-commerce has exploded over the last year, but with it a large carbon footprint. To stay competitive, companies have to produce more products and faster, but this has come at a cost of the environment. According to their annual sustainability report, SustainAbility found that the rapid expansion of digital commerce during 2020 has had an unprecedented impact on the planet.

While customers might appreciate demand being met, the internet has educated many around the world on the horrors of mass deforestation, global warming, and pollution, leading to a cry for change. In fact, the number of Americans that considered themselves “alarmed” about climate change nearly tripled between 2014 and 2019 according to a study done by The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.

Sustainability is not just a reason to keep your customers happy, but a responsibility on your part to minimize the impact your business has on the planet. In this article, we will give you a rundown of what it means to have a sustainable model for your business, as well as three tips on how you can implement eco-friendly changes in your company.

Why Should You Become Eco-Friendly?

Before we get too carried away, let us first peg down what exactly it means to be “sustainable.” While some differ in the lengths they would go to, sustainability generally involves meeting the needs of the present while not sacrificing the needs of future generations. It may not be the most convenient for your business, but the more companies take up these methods, the better off our world will be.

As news about climate change and pollution intensify, a notable amount of consumers—especially Gen Z—expect E-commerce businesses to start making the move to more sustainable operations and products. As a matter of fact, a study by Nielson confirmed that an astounding 81% of global respondents felt strongly that companies should push to be more eco-friendly. Additionally, those who do feel strongly about these issues are not afraid to put their money where their mouth is, with 72% stating that they actively bought more eco-friendly products over the last five years, according to Business News Daily.

Becoming more sustainable can also be beneficial for your business outside of keeping your customers happy. Many small aspects of sustainability can build up over time, easily saving your company thousands a year. For example, beverage company Florida Ice and Farm decided to become water neutral in 2008, and over the next two years achieved a compound annual growth rate of 25%, twice the industry average.

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Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, E-commerce has fully become mainstream. Consumers led the industry to a combined $791.70 billion gross in 2020 according to U.S. Department of Commerce statistics, and that is just including U.S. merchants.

However, with the pandemic slowing down heading into 2022, the rapid growth of digital businesses will also begin to even out. Customers are already becoming more comfortable with the concept of leaving their homes, and brick-and-mortar stores will fully open up their operations. The popularity of digital commerce will not disappear overnight, but the sense of complacency many businesses have from the boom can end up being dangerous.

You will need to keep on top of the latest trends to stay competitive going forward into the new year. Here are seven trends that will likely shape the E-commerce world in 2022, and will be essential to invest in.

Social Media Sales Channels

Social media has evolved from simply being a way to connect with your peers to a full-on tool where you can market your product to millions of users. Popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and now TikTok have introduced “buy” buttons in an effort to introduce social commerce to keep consumers on their websites at all times.

With 54% of consumers using social media to research products they are interested in, it is a no-brainer to begin to push your business and products on social platforms to meet your customers where they spend most of their time.


Thanks to the internet and social media, the world has become far more conscious about the impact it has on the environment. This mission of sustainability has made its way into many industries, one of the biggest being E-commerce, with approximately half of customers willing to buy more products from sustainable businesses.

Taking your company down a more eco-friendly route through going paperless and introducing recyclable supplies will not only help your business save money, but also help win more potential customers over to your store.

Visual/Augmented Reality Commerce

Ordering an item online only to find that the final product is not what you envisioned is one of the most disappointing things any customer can experience. Enter augmented reality (AR). Not just a gimmick used for video games, AR can completely change the shopping experience for many industries by showing consumers exactly what a product will look like in real life.

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