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A Loving and Sweet Story About A Little Girl With A Lesson For Children In The End


June 25, 2020 - Books are a great way to keep one entertained and preoccupied during any time. They have the power to absorb the reader into the beautiful world of fiction and introduce them to stories and concepts that are otherwise missing in the real world. For those who are looking for a light-hearted read with a spiritual and positive flavor, then the book Tree Top is a must-read. Even though it’s mainly directed towards children, the book serves as a quick and engaging read for adults as well. 

The book explores the life of the titular character Tree Top who is a little girl and the protagonist of the story. Growing up, Tree Top was asked to listen to her mom and not disobey her. Being a little child, she called the Lord for help, and eventually, through a few turn of events, she finds her way back with her family. The book not only teaches children to listen to their parents but also to never give up on the Lord.

Tree Top by Brenda Worrles is now available for purchase on Amazon in a paperback version. To buy this book, please click the following link

Author Name: Brenda Worrles
Book title: Tree Top
Company Name: Global Summit House
Contact Person Name: Anna Reid

Friday, 26 June 2020