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The Skinny on Varicose Veins

Varicose veins in the legs are diseased veins that arise due to valve dysfunction. Valves in the veins function like ladders as blood rises to the level of the heart. The proper opening and closure of these valves allows essentially unidirectional flow of the blood. With valve dysfunction, the blood falls backwards or refluxes into the lower legs. This results in dilation of the veins and symptoms of heaviness, pain,cramping. The medical condition that results is known as venous insufficiency.
Early stages of venous insufficiency can be asymptomatic or show subtle signs such as the development of spider and varicose veins. Untreated, this can lead to more progressive issues including leg pain, edema, skin discoloration, ulcerations and deep vein thrombosis.

Early Treatment For Vein Disease :

Symptoms or signs of vein disease allow for early detection of disease. However, it's not uncommon to see patients present late with stasis dermatitis, leg edema, or ulcerations due to poor referral patterns. Many times, your primary care physician may not recognize early symptoms of vein disease. They may also have little awareness of where to send patients for optimal treatment.
As such, many patients seek out a vein center with self referrals. A proper evaluation includes careful history and examination along with a duplex venous ultrasound when medically appropriate. The key is to identify the root cause of your symptoms and visible veins.
The confirmation of symptomatic vein disease should be treated early with compression stockings, leg elevation, and exercise.
Advanced stage disease or patients who have continued symptoms despite conservative measures may benefit from vein closure procedures. This is far different than vein stripping procedures of the past.
RF vein ablation is the gold standard now for venous insufficiency treatment. It is both safe and effective for treatment of the underlying cause of varicose veins. In comparison to vein stripping, ablation has improved long-term results, faster recovery and improved quality of life compared.
Other popular and effective treatments include sclerotherapy and varithena 1% formulated polidocanol for large, tortuous veins. More dilute concentrations can be applied to spider and reticular veins. Phlebectomy and clarivein also have complimentary roles within a vein practice and are performed by skilled vein doctors.
If you have identified an issue, please consider asking your primary care physician or specialists for any preferred vein specialist centers. Don't be shy about conducting your own research about the right vein doctor for you.


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Monday, 24 August 2020