Is Your Water Safe After the Fall Rains? What You’re Really Drinking
As fall rains sweep through South Carolina, your drinking water could be picking up more than you think. At Pure Flow Plumbing, we know that heavy rains can lead to contaminants like sediment, dirt, and bacteria seeping into your water supply. Without proper filtration, you might not realize what’s making its way into your glass. If you haven’t checked your water filtration in Hickory Grove, SC lately, now is the time. Here's why fall rains can affect your water quality.
✓ Runoff Carries Sediment into Water Supplies
When rainwater runs off roofs, streets, and yards, it picks up sediment that can find its way into your water system, affecting taste and clarity.
✓ Increased Bacteria Levels
Heavy rains can introduce higher levels of bacteria into local water sources, making filtration even more important for safety.
✓ Old Filters Struggle to Keep Up
If your water filtration in Hickory Grove, SC is outdated, it might not handle the extra load brought by the fall rains.
✓ Rising Water Table Increases Contamination Risk
Heavy rain can cause the water table to rise, increasing the risk of contaminants from the ground seeping into your drinking water.
At Pure Flow Plumbing, we specialize in water filtration in Hickory Grove, SC. Contact us today to make sure your water is clean and safe.