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Inflation? Barely An Inconvenience In Finding New Investments

New challenges can make humankind more creative and innovative in finding a fitting solution. However, to succeed, we must leave our comfort zone way behind and be willing to take financial risks. For sharp investors, inflation hardly means an inconvenience in finding new investments. Like every rookie investor, they weren’t provided foolproof answers from the get-go. Instead, they have learned (the hard way) the secret of reducing risks to a tolerable minimum. We help you jump the initial steps in your investment training and reach the core you seek.

Your first investment should imply contacting all the right people!

Suppose a brilliant investment idea crosses your mind. Or, you hear about an (allegedly) 100 percent secure investment opportunity. Don’t believe such fairy tales until genuine experts confirm their validity! For starters, reach out to professional local real estate agents in your neighborhood to double-check whether you can put your hands on a good asset with a remarkable ROI. Getting in touch with financial experts and brokers is also a great way to explore the market for lucrative stocks and bonds.


Then, contact your regional lending institution and see how much loan your credit score enables. Remember, times are hard, so seek an attorney’s counsel for various liabilities before investing in recession-proof assets

Why does inflation make investors’ lives more difficult?

As of April 2023, the yearly inflation rate was estimated at five percent, according to the US Labor Department. We can notice a slight decline in inflation after 2021’s seven percent and 2022’s 6.5 percent. Still, no matter what the official data shows and what preventive measures the Federal Reserve implements, you must be prepared for the worst-case scenario, meaning bypassing inflation and still making money!


Off the bat, inflation defines two essential things for investors. Firstly, products and services have become more expensive. At the same time, consumers and investors can’t purchase the same amount of goods since their money’s value depreciates. Consequently, the purchasing power drops dramatically. 


Secondly, the Fed raises interest rates. As a result, loan application becomes very difficult (and frankly, quite disheartening) for everyone. Above all, we sympathize with first-time homebuyers and eager but newbie real estate investors looking for the best starter properties for investment.

How to confide in real estate during inflation?

Investing in properties can be a blind bet like everything in this life. Still, houses and condos are considered tangible (real) assets that will keep their value over time. Secondly, they aren’t exposed to (stock) market fluctuations. 


Only your imagination can stop you from turning real estate into the most creative income source. An asset can be a business headquarters, warehouse, rental property, or weekend home. Or you can give it a facelift and sell it pricier than you bought.

House flipping and everything behind it

Most people associate house flipping with the number-one real estate investment. Yet, selling cheap property at a higher price is a double-edged sword. 


Because in major US cities, real estate prices skyrocketed, you can purchase a decently-priced home only in the following situations. You can locate vacant or run-down properties or assets whose owners have fallen behind in paying their mortgages. Or, try your luck at real estate auctions. Thirdly, you can look for inexpensive properties online, for instance, on social media or real estate forums. 

Curb your expectations and do the math!

You most likely have to invest a smaller fortune in revamping the old place. And now comes the kicker! Despite your hard work and trust in real estate market trends predictions, you might get a different amount than you initially hoped for due to inflation. As prices are up, the property might prove a hard sell. Additionally, the house can keep all your liquid assets tied up. We don’t wish to discourage you, though! 


The whole truth is that according to Insider, house flipping has regained its former glory, the last time registered in 2008. In 2022, the average flipper gained “$65,000 per flip,” and about 320,000 properties were sold as such during the last year. Our point is you must do the math before giving in to house flipping!

Invest in long- and short-term rentals!

The rental game has numerous advantages, making it our ideal candidate for the best inflation-proof investment. Long-term rent is a lucrative undertaking; we have data to prove this. In 2022, the US rent was about 77 percent higher than the national average gross rent of 2020. Living in rental properties is still a nationwide phenomenon, as 35 percent of households chose it the last year. Did you know rental rates grew by approximately 31 percent in the past eleven years?


Therefore, renting out an apartment will bring substantial side revenue. Another perk of the renting game is that you can deduct various expenses from your tax return. And the amount of the rent you can ask for increases according to inflation. 


Short-term rents are also a viable solution for your investment inquiries. Airbnb, vacation rentals, resort properties, weekend getaways, etc., will turn you a decent profit if you market and keep them in tip-top shape! However, running a short- and long-term rental requires investing money and energy. 

Which are the safest bonds and stocks to invest in?

Suppose you consider investing in real estate financially dangerous or a choir to undertake due to its constant need for input. Then, we recommend the US Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPs), also known as adjustable-rate bonds. Insurance policies and municipal bonds are also excellent investments. These government-backed securities won’t lose value even during changing inflation rates. Your bond portfolio will pay a fixed interest rate, albeit not that much (around three percent.) 


Investing and monitoring stocks can be a gamble. Stocks have always been considered volatile to market fluctuations. For this reason, you must seek stocks issued by non-cyclical businesses that produce steadily growing revenue and big corporations back it up. Analysts agree that in the first quarter of 2023, Berkshire Hathaway, Vanguard High-Dividend Yield ETF, and The Walt Disney Company are among the most enticing (and relatively safe) stocks on the market.

Inflation won’t affect you if you choose a profession smartly!

Suppose none of those alternatives mentioned above appeal to you. In that case, you can invest your money in learning new inflation-proof skills and professions that are even invulnerable to the impending dangers of automation. Off the top of our minds, we advise acquiring and improving skills in the following domains: healthcare, home construction and renovation, fitness and health counseling, and eco-friendly energy consultancy. 


Money makes money. Keeping your cash reserve intact in a bank account during inflation will do you no good as it only decreases in value. The intelligent solution is to invest in real estate, government-backed bonds, relatively safe stocks released by businesses lacking cyclicality, and self-improvement. The ideal way to invest is to diversify your portfolio and see which will bring you the highest returns!

Monday, 01 April 2024