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People who regularly visit the dentist tend to live longer, healthier lives. A healthy mouth is a key to a healthy body. However, it’s common for people to put off visits to the dentist for years on end. Many people are simply too anxious about visiting the dentist and avoid it. This can be dangerous, since ignoring oral health problems can lead to much worse issues down the road. 

Continue reading to discover the six signs that you need to see a dentist as soon as possible:

1. Your Breath Still Smells After Brushing

If you brush your teeth and your breath still smells, it may be a sign that you have an infection in your mouth. Some infections are ordinary (such as periodontal disease or cavities) while others are not (such as oral cancer). If you’ve been avoiding visits to the dentist and you notice a change in your breath, it’s important to get an examination from a dentist.

2. The Inside of Your Mouth Is Discolored

Your mouth has a certain color when you’re healthy, and if that color changes, then you might have complications. . For example, if your mouth becomes darker or redder than usual, that could indicate a dental problem. It could also mean that you’ve put off dental work for too long and now need to see the dentist before the condition worsens.

3. You Have Tooth Pain

One of the biggest warning signs that you need to schedule a dental checkup is tooth pain. If you notice that your teeth are aching, it’s likely because of an issue with your tooth or something beneath the surface. The best course of action for this is to see a dentist as soon as possible. Dental pain can be caused by cavities, gum disease, and other problems.

4. You Can Feel Teeth Moving When Chewing

If you can feel your teeth moving when you chew, there’s likely a serious dental issue. You might have sustained a blow in the mouth or have had a cavity that hasn’t been taken care of. The tooth may even become loose. If you can feel the teeth moving, it’s time to visit a dental center.

5. Your Gums Are Always Swollen

Gum swelling can be a sign of periodontal disease. This is when bacteria get into the space between your gum and the tooth and starts to eat away at the tissues and bone. This can lead to tooth loss, bad breath, and pain. The best way to avoid this problem is through good oral hygiene habits, such as flossing daily, brushing twice per day with fluoride toothpaste, and rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash. If you’ve been neglectful of your oral health in the past, it may take a few weeks to notice a decrease in swelling or other symptoms. But if you’ve noticed gum swelling for more than six months without any improvement, you should visit your dentist right away.

6. Your Teeth Are Loose and Falling Out

One of the most common signs that you need to see a dentist is loose teeth. Loose teeth may be caused by a tooth abscess or an infection, but they can also be triggered by gum disease. If your teeth are becoming extremely loose, there’s a good chance that you have an infection. This can lead to more serious health problems, like heart attacks and strokes if left untreated.

The bottom line

Does your mouth stink and you can't get rid of this unpleasant problem? Do you have teeth that are loose and falling out?. If you have bad breath even after brushing, your oral cavity is discolored, you experience a toothache, your teeth move when chewing, you have swollen gums, or your teeth are loose and falling out, you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible.


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