
Uterine fibroids may have different localizations and ways of developing. They may show symptoms that bring much discomfort or no symptoms at all. The absence of symptoms is especially common for the intramural type of uterine fibroids. These fibroids are not like the others and have their own specific qualities.

What Is an Intramural Fibroid?

An intramural fibroid is a tumor that develops in the muscular tissue of the uterus. The muscular tissue is known to take up large amount of space. This ability allows it to get the disease spread far in different directions. Bundles can appear singularly here and there or form massive conglomerates. The big ones cause harm not only to the uterus but to the surrounding organs too.

Why Do Intramural Fibroids Appear?

The main provoking factor for intramural fibroids appearance is a hormonal imbalance. But it is not the only reason. Pelvic inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders and surgical interventions also increase the chances of developing fibroids.

How to Know If You Have an Intramural Fibroid?

Make an appointment with your gynecologist if you experience any of these symptoms:

  1. Your periods have become longer and heavier, with multiple blood clots.

  2. You suffer from period cramps and feel pressure in the lower part of your stomach.

  3. You feel pain in the uterus that spreads over your spine and lower limbs.

  4. You have bleedings between your periods that lead to anemia.

  5. You feel frequent desire to urinate because of the pressure over your bladder.

  6. Your attempts to fertilize fail for a long time.

  7. You have a problem of lymph stagnation in your lower limbs.

  8. You have problems with your bowel movements.

The danger of developing intramural fibroids is that in most cases you notice the symptoms when the tumor is already big enough to press on your organs.

How are Intramural Fibroids Diagnosed?

An average pelvic exam will show the presence of a fibroid in your body. But you will still require additional diagnostics to determine the fibroid localization and size. These may be an ultrasound exam, MRI and hysteroscopy. This helps doctor receive enough information to determine an appropriate treatment strategy.

How to Treat Intramural Fibroids?

Depending on their size and speed of progress, there can be two ways of intramural fibroid treatment. The first is a hormonal treatment; the second is the surgical removal. It can be done by different techniques including arterial embolization, myomectomy, vaporization or hysterectomy.  

How to Prevent the Development of Fibroids?

The biggest preventative measure for intramural (and other) fibroids is a responsible treatment towards your general health. This includes leading a healthy way of life, treating any diseases you may have and controlling your health with the help of regular diagnostics.

Remember! Regular visits to your gynecologist can reveal many serious diseases in the early stages when they are still easily curable. Never allow neglecting treatment to such an important aspect of your life as your intimate health.


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