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Trigenics therapy is intended to help you achieve your peak performance while also alleviating pain and restoring full functional mobility.

Trigenics therapy is a contemporary method of physical therapy (PT) that seeks to retrain the way your neurological system communicates with your muscular system. It operates in two ways:

Trigenics may efficiently and totally address pain because it originates in muscles, bones, joints, and tissues and communicates with the nervous system.

Simultaneously, your motor abilities, strength, coordination, and range of motion can all improve because your nervous system sends messages to your muscles.

When physical therapists perform trigenics, they use a variety of devices to stimulate different portions of your body and reach a diagnosis. The device also measures how well your reflexes work. Trigenics begins with treatment techniques at our physical therapy office. After you "graduate," your reflexes are retrained.

Trigenics therapy is the first approach reported to treat specific knee and shoulder disorders. Although it is not necessary for every scenario, trigenics is a powerful and promising new technique in physical therapy that may help you return to peak performance.

What to Expect From Trigenics

Expert PT practitioners who practice trigenics believe it is a valid yet unconventional way to treat. It is part of an integrative approach, not a single, stand-alone technique. You can expect to encounter some strange technology, but your physical therapist may also employ manual therapy in conjunction with trigenics.

Your pain doctor expects you to engage in the process. This frequently entails applying resistance and flexing muscle groups during treatment. For example, your therapist may ask you to make a fist and extend your arm. Then, while he holds your fist in place, he instructs you to raise your arm as much as you can.

The most extreme methods may include deep massage, tissue manipulation, or electrical stimulation while you provide resistance. For example, your therapist may ask you to make a fist and extend your arm. Then, while they hold your fist in place, they instruct you to raise your arm as much as you can.

The most extreme methods may include deep massage, tissue manipulation, or electrical stimulation while you provide resistance.

If you are attempting to repair significant pain or dysfunction, the treatment itself may create discomfort. You can choose a local anesthetic, but all trigenics procedures are safe enough for you to be conscious and alert. Conscious engagement also helps you retrain your reflexes for better mobility and less pain in the future.

How Does It Help Your Pain?

Trigenics can mend structural damage and break up scar tissue, but the true magic occurs when your nervous system communicates with your muscles and joints. Trigenics has even been described as the sole treatment capable of curing specific types of knee pain, such as runner's knee, and shoulder pain, such as frozen shoulder, in a single session. Typically, numerous sessions are required, with some practice and training in between.

Trigenics has the advantage of employing noninvasive techniques. In many circumstances, the primary purpose is to assist you in avoiding surgery. A trigenics treatment does not require any skin breakage.

Some people who have tried various procedures, particularly for shoulder and knee pain, have found that trigenics is more effective than anything else. Trigenics also appears to improve the efficacy of other treatments and health practices; thus, combining trigenics with your exercise program, massage therapy, or other physical therapy may be the most effective.

Each movement you make causes a chain reaction, known as a kinetic chain, in which messages travel from your nervous system to your muscles. If anything in your body is out of alignment, it might cause problems with your movements. The rest of any given muscle system must compensate for awkward or erroneous movements. Trigenics has been a popular addition to other physical therapy treatments. 

For example, it is being used to improve athletic performance. Athletes can use trigenics to assist them recover from sporting injuries as well. Even if you're not in pain, trigenics can help you move more smoothly and with a range of motion you didn't realize you had. It works by identifying regions of tightness or poor posture and then correcting them through stimulation and resistance. As a result, trigenics can reduce pain and help you attain unexpected athletic potential. 

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