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It is no surprise that more than 70% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. With Smartphone usage multiplying exponentially every year, mobile commerce has become significant in transforming the online shopping industry. In this era of technology, where purchases are increasingly made through mobile, e-commerce mobile app development has become a major priority for brands, big or small. This move is only obvious considering the statistics that in 2018; nearly $2 trillion of purchase was made using mobile devices.

How Does E-commerce App Development Help Companies?

By developing an e-commerce app for mobile devices, brands can reach customers anywhere, anytime. The result is better consumer experience and improved relationships by regularly offering customers engaging services & enticing promotions at the tip of their fingers.

Since the consumer wants quick services & smooth navigation for their online shopping experience, it makes sense for companies to engage in e-commerce mobile application development. Consumers get interactive features on the mobile app that keeps them committed to the brand and increases the scope of sales.

Tips for Enhancing E-commerce App Development

Developing an e-commerce app is much more than the innovation of the shopping experience for the consumers. It required market research, business expertise, and skills for effective e-commerce mobile app development that can captivate the attention of the customers.

1. Emphasize on UX and UI 

Some of the large companies have made this mistake of deploying a poor user interface on mobile devices as compared to their online stores. To avoid huge losses, optimize the e-commerce apps design & interface in such a way that it is aligned with resolutions across different platforms on mobile devices.

2. Make sure that Security is Top-Notch

One common concern that still prevails in 2019 regarding e-commerce is the security of personal information. Consumers consider it risky to share their credit/debit card details with online payment channels. Ensure that there are no loopholes for hackers to enter into your e-commerce app for identity theft or stealing personal information.

3. Utilize Wallets for Payments

more customers are switching to payments via mobile wallets compared to other payment methods which are severely time-consuming. Installing a wallet service in your e-commerce mobile app development framework can allow customers to make payment in a few clicks and reduce the chances of cart abandonment which frequently happens due to lagging payment procedures.

4. Mitigate Sign-in & Checkout Steps

Don’t include three pages for the customer to sign-in. Instead, allow them to sign-in using their favorite social media website and quickly transfer them to the checkout page if they have something in the cart. Saving information from previous purchases can rigorously cut on the checkout time and provide the customer with a smooth experience.

E-commerce application development is certainly one of the trends that dominated the online shopping landscape in 2018. To provide better services & gain a competitive advantage, mobile commerce has turned out to be the perfect solution which is delivering on the online shopping promises made to Smartphone users.

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