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Chuseok 2023 is a Korean harvest festival that takes place on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is also known as the Korean Thanksgiving. The festival is celebrated by Koreans all over the world.

Chuseok is a time for family reunion. Families visit their ancestral hometowns and share a feast of traditional Korean food. The most important part of the Chuseok celebration is the honoring of ancestors. Families visit the graves of their ancestors and perform a memorial service.

The Chuseok holiday is also a time for traditional Korean games and folk sports. The most popular folk game is ssireum, a form of wrestling. Other popular games include yutnori, a board game played with sticks, and jegichagi, a game similar to hacky sack.

Chuseok food is typically Korean. The most popular dish is songpyeon, a rice cake filled with sweet bean paste or other fillings. Other popular dishes include rice cakes, Korean pancakes, and grilled meats.

Chuseok is a Korean holiday that celebrates the harvest. It is also a time for families to get together and give thanks for the blessings they have received. Chuseok is usually celebrated in September or October.

Chuseok is a Korean holiday that celebrates the harvest. It is a time for family and friends to get together and give thanks for all the blessings they have received. Chuseok is also a time to enjoy traditional Korean food and games.

Chuseok is a Korean holiday that falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. The holiday is also known as Hangawi and is one of the most important holidays in Korea. It is a time for family members to gather together and give thanks for the bountiful harvest.

Chuseok is a time for Koreans to celebrate the harvest and give thanks for the blessings of the year. Families gather together and enjoy a feast of traditional Korean foods. The holiday is also a time for exchanging gifts and playing traditional games.

Chuseok is a special time of year for Koreans. It is a time to give thanks for the blessings of the harvest and to enjoy time with family and friends.

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