David Henry
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Brick sidewalks add a certain vintage and chic look to your home. They appeal to the visitor and you get a lot of compliments for that sidewalk. But the maintenance of these sidewalks can be quite a hassle. If you have some uneven surface on your sidewalk, it can be dangerous for pedestrians. 

Since these sidewalks are outdoor that is why they are susceptible to color fade after some time. You need to take extra care with Sidewalk Repair NYC if you have a brick sidewalk because there can be a lot of loose bricks creating tripping hazards. So, for the reason if you have a faded and loose brick sidewalk, here are a few things you can do to repair it.

How to Restore the Color of Bricks?

As we mentioned earlier that bricks lose color after some time. The extreme weather conditions are mainly responsible for that. You can give a new life to your pavement with just a few easy steps.

  • Use a pressure washer to remove all the dirt and grime from the ground
  • You can use oxygen-bleach to get rid of all the fungus and mold
  • Let your sidewalk dry for a couple of days
  • After drying apply sealer using the sponge, you can also use any other metal sprayer as per your convenience. Let it dry for 24 hours.

The weather is an important factor in this process. Make sure to check the forecast before starting this process. The rain can disrupt the entire process and you need to start the process all over again. 

Advantages of Sealing Brick Sidewalk

Sealers do a lot besides just bringing back the color of your sidewalk. It restores the natural beauty of your brick sidewalk. Here are a few more benefits that come with sealers.

  • Weed growth is inevitable. It grows between the spaces of the pavers. The sealer can prevent the growth of weeds and grass making the sidewalk smooth for pedestrians.
  • The sealer makes the cleaning process much easier. With unsealed pavers, you need a lot of scrubbing. But with sealer all, you need a hose to make your sidewalk look good.

Sealing will ensure longevity. It will also delay the deterioration process.

Restoring a Brick Sidewalk

If your Sidewalk Repair Manhattan is crumbing and you have loose bricks on your sidewalk then you need more than a sealer. You might need to replace the whole thing or you can do a quick fix to avoid accidents and other liabilities. Here is how you can do it with a few easy steps:

  • First, pull up all the bricks from your sidewalk and stack them neatly off to the side
  • Take out all the sand from your driveway with a shovel. Put the sand into a wheelbarrow and take it away
  • Take out all the debris, tree roots, and other contaminations to make the driveway clean
  • Use a compactor to even out the surface
  • Put the sand back into the sidewalk
  • Again use a compactor and create a smooth surface
  • Lay down bricks with care. You can use rubber mullet to press down the bricks
  • Pour the sand into the gaps to make them stay in one place

These are a few steps that would bring back the glory days of your brick sidewalk.

Why do You Need Maintenance?

Having a smooth and even sidewalk is necessary. In many states, you are liable if an accident happens on your property. You'll have to pay for all the medical of the affected person. In many states, the local government deems you responsible for all the maintenance and repairing of the sidewalk adjacent to your property.

There are two types of sidewalks; public and private. Public sidewalks are those that are nearby public property like parks or streets. The local government is responsible for their maintenance. Private sidewalks are those that are adjacent to private property like a house. In this case, the homeowner is responsible for all the Sidewalk Repair Brooklyn maintenance work. Keep in mind that uneven sidewalks can become a tripping hazard for pedestrians. Make sure to get on with maintenance as soon as you see any cracks and gouges on your sidewalk.

You can also hire a team of professionals to do this job for you. But before you call, we would suggest you do thorough research for that. This way you’ll get the best services at affordable prices.

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