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Error 1904 Commonobjmodel.dll failed to Register –

Have you ever encountered the frustrating Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register – HRESULT -2147023898 when trying to install Sage 100 ERP? This error message can be quite confusing and intimidating, especially if you're not familiar with technical jargon. But don't worry, we've got you covered! In this blog post, we'll explain what causes this error and provide simple solutions on how to fix it. So grab a cup of coffee and let's dive into the world of Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register!

Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register – HRESULT -2147023898

The error message "Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register – HRESULT -2147023898" typically occurs when installing or upgrading Sage 100 ERP software. This issue usually indicates that the Common Object Model (COM) cannot be registered on your system.

  • Tere are various reasons why this error can occur. One possibility is that your computer's registry is corrupted, preventing the COM from being registered properly. Another cause could be an outdated version of Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable. Read more-: Sagepay Error 5080 Form Transaction Registration Failed
  • Fortunately, there are simple solutions to fix this issue. One option is to perform a clean boot by disabling all startup programs and services before attempting the installation again. Alternatively, you can try repairing or reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable.
  • It's important to keep in mind that troubleshooting these technical issues may require some level of expertise in computer systems and software installations. If you're not confident in your abilities, it might be helpful to seek assistance from a qualified IT professional who can provide guidance on resolving this problem efficiently and effectively.

What Causes This Error?

Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register – HRESULT -2147023898 is a common error that can occur when installing Sage 100 ERP. But what causes this error in the first place?

  • One possible cause of this error is an issue with the Windows registry. The registry contains information about all of the software and hardware installed on your computer, and if there are any errors or corruptions in it, it can result in various problems.
  • Another potential cause of this error is a conflict with other software or programs on your computer. Sometimes, two programs may try to use the same resources at the same time, resulting in conflicts and errors like Error 1904
  • Issues with file permissions can also be a culprit for this type of error. If certain files don't have the correct permissions set up for them, they may not be able to be registered properly during installation. Read Also-: Sage not Responding
  • Understanding these potential causes can help you troubleshoot and resolve Error 1904 more effectively.

How to Fix This Error?

If you are encountering Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register while installing Sage 100 ERP, there are a few steps you can take to fix the issue.

  • Firstly, try restarting your computer and reinstalling the software again. This may resolve any temporary issues that were causing the error.
  • If that doesn't work, try running a virus scan on your system as viruses and malware can cause errors during installation. Ensure your antivirus software is up-to-date before running the scan.
  • Another solution is to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package which provides necessary runtime components for executing programs built with Microsoft Visual Studio. You can download this package from Microsoft's website or use an installer disk provided by Sage.
  • If none of these solutions work, it may be worth reaching out to Sage's customer support for assistance in resolving the issue.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register and complete your installation of Sage 100 ERP without further issues.


Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register – HRESULT -2147023898 can be a frustrating error that occurs when installing Sage 100 ERP. However, there are several solutions available to fix this issue and get your installation back on track. It is recommended that you try each solution in order until the issue is resolved. Remember to take caution when making changes to your computer's registry or system files. See more-: sage 50 error printer not activated error code 30

By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the Error 1904 commonobjmodel.dll failed to register – HRESULT -2147023898 and successfully install Sage 100 ERP. If none of these solutions work for you, it may be best to seek assistance from technical support or a professional IT service provider. Don't let this error hold you back any longer; use these tips and get back on track with Sage 100 ERP today!

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