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Sage 100 How To Change An Invoice Date In Accounts

Are you using Sage 100 for your business and need to change an invoice date in Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable? It may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! In this blog post, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of changing an invoice date in Sage 100. Whether it's correcting a mistake or accommodating changes requested by your clients/vendors, this article has got you covered. So sit back, relax and read on to learn how to change an invoice date in Sage 100!

How to change an invoice date in Accounts Receivable

Changing an invoice date in Accounts Receivable is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. First, open the customer's account by going to Customers > Main > Customer Maintenance. Find the invoice you want to change and click on it.

  • Once you've opened the invoice, go to Actions > Change Invoice Date. A prompt will appear asking for confirmation of the date change. Find-: list sage 100 payment credit card decline codes
  • After confirming your changes, Sage 100 will automatically update all relevant records and transactions associated with that invoice within Accounts Receivable. This ensures that your accounting system remains up-to-date and accurate.
  • It's important to note that changing an invoice date should only be done when absolutely necessary as it may affect other financial records such as taxes or fiscal year-end reporting.

In summary, changing an invoice date in Accounts Receivable is a straightforward process that can help keep your financial records accurate and up-to-date. Just remember to use caution when making any changes!

How to change an invoice date in Accounts Payable

Changing an invoice date in Accounts Payable is a simple process that can easily be done within Sage 100. To begin, navigate to the ‘Accounts Payable’ module from the main menu and select ‘Invoice Data Entry’. Next, locate the invoice you wish to modify and click on it to open it up.

  • Once you have opened up the invoice, select ‘Options’, located at the top of your screen. From there, choose ‘Change Invoice Date’. This will prompt a pop-up window where you can enter in your new desired date for the invoice.
  • After entering in your new date, select ‘OK’ and then save your changes by clicking on ‘Save’. Your modified invoice will now reflect this new date that has been entered.
  • It’s important to note that modifying an invoice date may affect any discounts or due dates associated with that particular vendor. Be sure to double-check these details before finalizing any changes.  Also find-: sage 50 could not find a printer driver


Why you would need to change an invoice date

Changing an invoice date might seem like a trivial task, but it can be necessary for various reasons. For instance, you may need to change the invoice date if the original due date has passed and no payment was received from the customer, or if there was an error in the initial billing.

  • Another reason why you would need to modify an invoice date is when a client requests more time to pay their bill. Instead of issuing a new invoice with a different due date, you can simply adjust the existing one. This way, your records remain accurate instead of creating multiple invoices that could lead to confusion.
  • Moreover, changing an invoice date can also help businesses stay compliant with accounting standards and regulations. For example, under accrual accounting standards, revenues should be recorded in the same period as expenses incurred to generate them. If you mistakenly billed for services provided after this period ended or before it began, adjusting dates is essential to maintain compliance.
  • Regardless of your motivation behind modifying an invoice's dates on Sage 100 accounts receivable or payable module – whether it be correcting errors or accommodating clients' needs – knowing how to do so will save time and ensure accurate financial reporting.


Changing an invoice date in Sage 100 is a quick and easy process, whether it be for Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable. It's important to remember that accurate invoicing is vital to maintaining healthy financial records for your business. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily make any necessary changes to ensure your invoices are correct. Also find-: sage 50 2019 ini file location

Whether you need to change due dates, billing dates or just update information on past invoices, Sage 100 makes it simple and straightforward. With this knowledge under your belt, you'll have greater control over your accounts and be able to keep track of all outstanding payments with ease.

In summary, by utilizing the features provided within Sage 100's invoicing system, businesses can ensure they're always up-to-date with their billing processes while keeping accurate financial records. Don't let incorrect invoices hold back cash flow - take advantage of these tools today! Call now for more information (800) 964-3096.

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