
24, June 2017: Alexander Miller & Associates are talking about the transformations the debt collection industry has gone through and sharing their experience in dealing with debt recovery.

“If you have sent the required payment, kindly disregard our previous death threat” is a typical example of how laymen imagine the way commercial collection agencies deal with borrowers in default. Baseball bats, electric shockers and victims tied up with cords in a car boot are stories of the distant past. Over the last 25 years, the debt collection industry has changed significantly.

Nowadays, a rare national adult is not involved in some kind of debt repayment. These new circumstances have transformed debt from a taboo into a common worldly thing.

Today’s debt collection industry is based on new technology that has brought it to a new level. Predictive dialers, emails, texting, behavioral scoring, demand letters, onsite investigations and a wide range of other effective tools enhance debt collection.

Alexander Miller & Associates are recognized experts in fast track commercial collections and on-site investigation. We apply our numerous collection techniques and methods in a professional and ethical way to guarantee impressive results. More than 60 years of active presence and extensive experience in the market have earned us a well-deserved reputation for outstanding reliability, trusted service and efficient results.

For Media Contact:
Person Name: Mike Miller
Company: Alexander Miller & Associates
Phone: (832) 430-1651

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