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Omnichannel is emerging as a new normal in every eCommerce business, and it is likely to become and remain an inevitable force dominating the online marketplace in the foreseeable future. Through an omnichannel business approach, businesses are now able to cater to the dynamic needs of customers spread across multiple channels and provide a seamless and holistic consumer experience.

The rise in the omnichannel new normal has led to significant implications for many consumer-product campaigns, such as retail, grocery, and consumer-packaged-goods companies. In order to survive amid the increasing competition in the market landscape, companies must accept the challenges of delivering a great customer experience across sales channels and shape their supply chains accordingly. Many companies use predated omnichannel strategies that may have served them earlier, but as needs have evolved in the digital era, organizations need to undertake broader and deeper transformations to meet rising consumer expectations in terms of consumer experience, individualization, and delivery speed, while keeping delivery costs under control. Companies must master the omnichannel supply chains by focusing on key building blocks that help them gain an advantage over their peers. Players who struggle to align with the changing times will struggle to remain competitive.

Here are the omnichannel building blocks that help companies gain momentum in the changing landscape:

Consumer-Centric Supply Chain Strategy:

Adopting a customer-centric supply chain means meeting customer needs across all channels and grounding all decisions based on a deep understanding of the customer. This approach has received appreciation from businesses across industries; however, it is extremely challenging to learn from customers and come to a proper conclusion. Common pitfalls observed in the approach include failure to listen to shoppers and a one-size-fits-all supply chain. This led to a lack of differentiation of services and, consequently, higher costs. Most companies fail to deliver great service to all potential consumers, but resources are limited. Enterprises must determine what to deliver to each of these segments and how many supply chain segments they need based on their understanding of customers.

Network and Supply Chain Ecosystem for the Future:

It is natural for businesses to rethink their supply chain ecosystem and use advanced solutions that will help them cater to future market demands. Stakeholders must carefully choose the right combination of distribution centres (DCs), new node types, and partners to deliver their consumer-service aspirations within each channel. The supply chain ecosystem they are willing to collaborate with must involve all stakeholders, from suppliers to consumers. It is imperative that companies realize that they will only be able to deliver for the evolving consumer requirements if the information is shared along the entire value chain. Businesses must completely leverage their all-network assets and capabilities.

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