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The pandemic has changed how the healthcare sector would function and brought in the new industry that is now rapidly witnessing growth with each passing day.

Earlier, “digitization” was only restricted to other sectors, such as retail, banking, entertainment, and a lot more industries, and for a very long-time, the healthcare sector has shown reservation. But now, as the situation is demanding more digital solutions, it is imperative for the industry to embrace advanced technology to provide a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective healthcare service. These changing landscapes in the sector have offered a wide range of opportunities for more companies to start developing digital health and wellness software.

The data by Statista suggest that by 2025, the estimated global EHR/EMR market is expected to reach $38 billion. These figures indicate that more companies are inclined towards developing health and wellness software that will revolutionize healthcare services. If you are also willing to explore various possibilities in the sector, this blog will help you gain more perspective of the domain and benefit your business.

Let us take baby steps to understand what this sector means, its benefits, and the various audiences it caters to.

What is Digital Health and Wellness?

The name itself makes it clear what would the definition of the term be. But to clarify it further and help stakeholders understand its implications, we must explain it. Digital health means using the latest technologies to resolve health problems faced by patients. The most incredible part of the industry is that it is not only restricted to patients. It also involves developing software that helps healthcare workers to provide efficient services.

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