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Reimagine your Supply Chain with Blockchain - Kata

Blockchain is among the most versatile and flexible technologies that have been developed in this lifetime. This technology type can be used for a wide variety of applications and solutions in various industries. Although blockchain is hugely popular in the financial industry and fueled the rise of cryptocurrency, it has also made great strides in other industries.
One of the industries greatly affected’ is the supply chain industry. Using blockchain in conjunction with a global supply chain management system can tremendously help this sector.

Here is how the blockchain helps packagers enhance and improve the supply chain industry:

1. Development of Advance Distributed Ledger System in Packaging:

Blockchain’s use in the industry can be considered difficult to implement or impractical. But, it can be done, although the initial setup may take some effort, the long-term payoff is well worth it.
If you are thinking about using blockchain effectively to package goods that need to be shipped, you can use a distributed ledger system. Using a distributed ledger system can help everyone in gaining access to real-time information. Every process is transparent and thus contributes to element traceability.

2. Increase transparency with the help of blockchain:

Any block of information added to the distributed ledger system is immediately available for each participating country. This increases traceability transparency using the logistics and supply chain management. The blockchain system uses a reference number, barcode, or QR code attached to the packaging.

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