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Digital commerce is in the middle of a (further) revolution and things are moving faster than ever.

The global Covid-19 pandemic has pushed digital front and center retail for B2B and B2C buyers. Half of shoppers buy products they have never purchased online before. 70% buy more than usual.

While all this excitement brings with it new possibilities, it also comes with the challenge of figuring out how to proceed.

Customer expectations can change momentarily, and a company's ability to adapt to market trends determines success.

6 major trends in digital commerce:

1. Multichannel Trading & Content:

Digital commerce professionals need to create significant consumer engagement across each channel.

Developing and maintaining the right content for the right place and time increases brand awareness and creates a consistent customer experience across all channels.

It also maximizes the customer understanding that can be gained from cross-channel analysis.

2. Personalization:

Personalization is a process that creates tailored individual interactions to optimize the user experience.

Personalization needs to be built at the heart of the experience and influence every point of interaction.

Website searches, sifting through data, product recommendations, landing pages and all other points of interaction should work together to create a complete picture of each visitor during their journey.

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