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How Fast Fashion Can Improve Your Supply Chain Man

As COVID-19 pushed many industries to drastically change up their supply chain systems, a significant size of the fashion world was already there. Though they faced a small drop in profits due to the pandemic, businesses worldwide that embraced fast fashion still grossed a combined total of $31.4 billion in 2020 according to Intrado and shows no sign of slowing down. Utilizing the best E-commerce web solutions, fast fashion is revitalizing and keeping the retail industry afloat during chaotic times.

What is Fast Fashion?

While you may not recognize the term, the average person is probably familiar with the concept of a fast fashion supply chain from ordering clothing and furniture online. Also known as “fashion on-demand,” fast fashion defines the vertical supply chain management system that is set up with speed in mind, making sure the design, production, and shipping of items happens as quickly as possible.

If you have ever shopped at a store like H&M or Zara, you have likely taken part in fast fashion, but this supply chain system is not only for larger businesses. Smaller digital commerce retailers can also benefit from fast fashion, as the ability to quickly create personalized apparel and ship it out to customers in just a few weeks is game changing.

The Best Styles with the Lowest Prices

The fashion and apparel industries are always fickle, with styles coming and going within the blink of an eye. One of the primary benefits of fast fashion is that a business’s supply chain—if properly adapted to this method—is more than ready to quickly adapt to and move on to a new concept at the drop of a hat. Time is everything, especially when it comes to social media trends, as being just one day late can mean that you are either beaten to the punch or arriving right when customers move on to something else. Manufacturer Boohoo, for example, is able to design, manufacture, and ship a product on average within two weeks.

While they are more of an outlier when it comes to their speed, Boohoo’s supply chain strategy allows them to quickly grasp what exactly their customers do or do not want. Producing a limited number of clothing per design, they ensure that they will never be stuck with backrooms and warehouses full of shirts no one wanted. Once they find out through data and sales numbers, they can easily ramp up or stop production, saving an incredible amount of time and money compared to traditional retail practices.

This limited nature of the products is also helpful when it comes to customers coming out to your business. With traditional retail, everyone knows there will be plenty of a particular shirt or table, but the finite number of products in a fast fashion model entices consumers to run out that instant to buy one, as who knows how much is left or when it will return. In addition to the instant return on these items, the luxury of these scarce items also push customers to buy at full price rather than waiting on a discount.

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