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Digital Healthcare Getting Advance Transformation

Essentially, blockchain is linked to three central schemes for zero proof of knowledge, distributed digital books, and immutable records, all of which are suitable as building blocks for efficient mosaics to coordinate care.
A decade ago we could never consider the clinical record and medical health leaving the infrastructure network of payers and providers. The cloud is a sensible future, but there are various concerns about its security, proper use of patient data, and the security of health data in general. The fear is still real, but in many areas it has been overcome with the right technology. When Estonia became the torchbearer in e-health in 2012 and launched Blockchain for Health, the perception was largely that the initiative was well ahead of its time. Currently 99% of digital health data and 100% electronic invoicing in a country of 1.32 million inhabitants (data for 2019).

Most payers have a strategy to become a fully digital wellness package in the next three to four years. While efforts are made to ensure members have the best possible experience, there are significant negative incentives. The greatest challenge is enabling seamless care coordination because health care is managed by so many different stakeholders throughout the value cycle with so many steps of the care transition. Increase trust between health care facilities and scalable and distributed data exchange because interoperability is essential for a successful digital health care program.

Essentially, blockchain is linked to three central schemes for zero proof of knowledge, distributed digital books, and immutable records, all of which are suitable as building blocks for efficient mosaics to coordinate care. Consider the major concerns about the safety and privacy of medical records. Using ZKP and quadratic equations, the auditor can review certain elements without disclosing all transactions.

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