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Microsoft Build 2021 Top 7 Announcements of the Bi

Microsoft Build 2021 is the biggest event for developers across the globe. The event offers developers a platform to hear about the latest innovations, learn new skills, and connect with the community. Developers and IT professionals from all over the world came together to discuss innovative and creative ideas on a common platform and how they can embrace new technology to bring change.

We have summarized the conference to highlight various announcements.

Helping Developers Build Windows 10 apps

Microsoft revealed the Project Reunion 0.8 at this year’s conference to bring in .NET 5 support and better WinUI 3 and WebView2. The Project Reunion helps create a support system for developers to build Windows 10 apps.

Enhancing the support for WebView2 and WinUI will integrate the latest technologies enabling developers to access the Edge rendering engine for web-based content. Besides, taking .NET 5 into account for apps will aid developers in using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms applications. Likewise, its Project Reunion 0.8 will help in unifying the development process across Win32 and UWP apps.

Enabling Edge to become the best browser

Microsoft announced that its updated Edge 91 is the best performing browser on Windows 10. The performance is attributed to the Startup boost and Sleeping tabs.

Startup boost launches Edge faster by running processes in the background without consuming system resources. Sleeping tabs can free up the unused tabs and save up to 82 percent of memory. It put ads to sleep for saving memory when the tabs are opened but remain unused in the background. Microsoft claims that the recent updates in its browser can instantly save resources.

Since the last year’s Build, the company made 5300 commits, rolled out WebView2, PWAs to the Chromium project.

Microsoft Teams for Collaborative Apps

The company announced that the developers can now access Microsoft APIs, the Team Store, and the tools to create collaborative apps.

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