

USA (May 7, 2021) - When it comes to books, nothing can beat their charm. Books take readers to a world of fiction that lets their imagination go wild. Indeed that's probably the reason why many tout books to be a person's best friend. Whether someone is an avid reader or has just started delving into the world of books, In the Hands of the Shadow will find a place in everybody's collection. C. Jay shows his craft as a writer by creating a beautiful and engaging narrative. It's not just a usual fiction. It has a thrilling storyline that will create the urge within the readers to turn every page and keep coming back for more.

At heart, In the Hands of the Shadow is a gripping story about this seemingly loving couple called Aaron and Laura who live in Upstate NY. But things are not as simple as they seem. Laura becomes a witness to strange happenings that make her question several things about Aaron. Things take a rather scary turn when it is revealed that Aaron is a former assassin for a North Korean Underworld organization known as the SHADOW. The rest of the story is all about how the SHADOW takes over Laura's life, kidnaps her, and puts her life in jeopardy.

However, Aaron is not really a heartless soul because he goes to all extent to save Laura by going to North Korea. The journey he embarks on to save Laura and taking down the SHADOW forms a crucial part of this book that has been drafted beautifully. The adventure and drama in this book are sure to draw every reader's attention in plenty.

In the Hands of the Shadow is now available for purchase on Amazon in Kindle, hardcover, and paperback versions for 3.99 USD, 28.99 USD, and 19.95 USD respectively. The book can be purchased here

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Company Name: Global Summit House
Name: Anna Reid


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